Why is romance treated as the embarrassing guest at the party, the one the hosts would have preferred not to invite but couldn't find a way around it?
I half expect there's an awful lot of place card shuffling before we're seated as far from the action, and the liveliest conversations, as possible. Perhaps we're one stumbling step away from the swinging doors of the kitchen or the basement stairs. More likely, we'll find ourselves stuck behind a large pillar, out of sight of the snooty hostess and her favored guests. She's probably already spoken to the wait staff, directing the cheaper bottles of wine our way and advising them not to allow us to overindulge and humiliate ourselves further—or anyone else, while we're at it. How come I feel this way? I'm quite proud of my work. I know which forks to use and the differences between the glasses set before me. I'm not about to blow my nose in my linen napkin. Romance’s popularity and solid sales numbers (in both units sold and dollars earned), not to mention the loyalty of its audience, are deemed irrelevant in comparison to serious fiction. We're like the talented comedic actor or actress who will never have a shot at an Oscar no matter how hard they work to deliver an unforgettable two hours of entertainment. They have a snowball's chance against dramatic contenders and they know it. Yet, they show up and give it their all anyway. The largest newspaper in my state puts out a weekly Books section that lists the best sellers, includes articles on area writers, reviews, mentions book signings around the city, and does a hell of a lot to promote local talent. They’ve even serialized books. Has the paper ever once acknowledged the romance genre? Written a feature on an area romance writer? How about sent someone to sit in on a local RWA meeting to talk to writers about their passion for the genre? I try and fail to cite one example. We’re invisible. It doesn’t matter how many books written or sold, how many years of dedication to the craft, we are snubbed. Sadly, newspapers aren’t the only ones ignoring romance. Radio is blind to the genre as well, inviting mainstream writers on instead and plugging their new releases (heck, even first novels) and giving those authors an enviable amount of publicity in the bargain. Unless you’re purposely looking for the top romance titles, don’t expect to find them on the big bestseller lists. Romance is teased out of those. If included at all, romance titles will be listed separately where they can’t be confused for, or compared to, actual fiction. You know—books with substance. I've read so many glowing reviews of debut books, nice bios of new authors, but none for romance. There's a tight-lipped silence from most mainstream media. Poetry, mysteries, biographies, and angst that'll make you hide the razor blades? Sure. Those are covered. Write romance and you'd better be prepared to do the leg work all by yourself. We're directed to the table at the back and watched surreptitiously to be sure we don't slip silverware or an extra roll into our clutch purse. At least there’s USA Today’s Happy Ever After to give romance a little boost. Still, if I wore a tie, I'd be tugging at that knot right about now. I hear ya, Rodney. I hear ya. Originally published 2/25/2013
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